National Coordinator, Head Administration
Godfrey Kimuli
Godfrey currently serves as the Head of Project Finance and Corporate Affairs at NREP. Godfrey is a seasoned Renewable Energy promoter with over 25 years of experience. Godfrey previously served as a Senior Energy Officer (Bio-energy Division) in Renewable Energy Department at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development (MEMD) in the development and promotion of renewable energy technologies and resources including Solar PV applications, improved biomass energy technologies and biofuels. He contributed to formulation of policy and regulatory frameworks for renewable energy and other multi-disciplinary sectors. Conducted awareness creation and technical capacity building for artisans, technicians, the private sector and CBOs in the field of renewable energy and carried out numerous energy needs assessments, formulated projects concepts, carried out monitoring, evaluation and coordination of activities and stakeholders for development of renewable energy sector in Uganda.
Godfrey attained his Masters degree in Social Economic Information for Natural Resources Management (NRM) – International Institute for Aerospace Survey and Earth Sciences – ITC, Enschede, Netherlands, Bachelor of Science in Forestry at Makerere University, Kampala; Training in Solar Energy Application Technologies at the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation in Ethiopia, Addis Ababa; Rural Energy Planning and Management-ESAMI, Arusha Tanzania. Technology, Development and Management of Improved Cookstoves- Center for Rural Development and Technology – Indian Institute of Technology – IIT, New Delhi, India.