Under NREP, Themes are supported by discipline and technology-based sector partners, each with a Theme Coordinator who has oversight of the strategic direction.
The Technology Innovation, Development, and Deployment (TIDD) thematic area is a core pillar of NREP’s mission to revolutionize Uganda’s renewable energy sector. This working group is dedicated to driving the adoption and scaling of innovative renewable energy technologies, while fostering a participatory approach to identifying and developing solutions tailored to Uganda’s unique needs.
TIDD focuses on:
To enhance the competitiveness of local actors while mobilizing investments for public institutions and private sector organizations in the domestic, industrial, and commercial renewable energy and energy efficiency markets.
The Information and Knowledge Hub (RE-Khub) is a vital thematic area aimed at establishing a one-stop center for renewable energy and energy efficiency (RE&EE) data, information, and resources. By consolidating inputs from stakeholders, it ensures that data and knowledge in the sector are captured, organized, and disseminated through innovative tools and targeted communication products.
To provide a one-stop center for RE&EE data and information to support planning, policy, research and development, market growth, and trend forecasting.
Enhanced recognition of NREP and increased utilization of the RE&EE data and knowledge management system.
The Access to Finance (RE-Finance) thematic area focuses on addressing the challenges of financing renewable energy projects and businesses in Uganda. While the country has seen significant advancements in the renewable energy market, there remains a need for targeted funding mechanisms, including public and private investment, to support the sector’s growth and accelerate energy access.
To provide differentiated support to entrepreneurial RE&EE businesses across their development lifecycle, including start-up, early-stage, growth, and maturity phases.
RE&EE business start-up and entrepreneurship support strengthened to drive sector growth and innovation.
The Training, Research & Communities of Practice (C-R4D) thematic area is dedicated to advancing knowledge, capacity, and innovation in renewable energy and energy efficiency (RE&EE). This working group leverages the expertise of research institutions, think tanks, and communities of practice to collect, analyze, and disseminate actionable data and recommendations that shape policy and trade strategies in the sector.
To establish a comprehensive energy readiness program that equips stakeholders with the knowledge and skills needed for a sustainable energy future.
Development of domesticated RE&EE systems, research, piloting, and enhanced RE&EE modelling skills and knowledge.
The Policy, Planning, Standards, Quality, Institutions, and Markets (PPSQIM) thematic area focuses on addressing policy-related challenges that hinder the growth and commercialization of Uganda’s renewable energy and energy efficiency (RE&EE) sector. By analyzing and advocating for improved market intervention policies, PPSQIM seeks to create a supportive and equitable environment for clean energy access and implementation.
To increase clean energy access and improve livelihoods for communities through technically sound mini-grid systems and equitable policy frameworks.
Enhanced uptake of RE&EE systems for productive use of energy and mini-grids development.
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The objective is to identify effective and efficient mechanisms for development of the renewable energy sector through technical skills expertise transfer and discourse in Uganda in general, and among the communities of practice in particular.
RE Technical skills Capacity, and Communities of Practice in place Strengthened.
Training, Research and Functional national think tanks on RE development and productive use of energy developed.
The major objective is to strengthen renewable energy technological developments, deployment and transfer in Uganda. This will be through enhanced innovation and development of renewable energy technologies, piloting and transfer of more effective innovations in the renewable energy arena. The thematic group will promote latest technology, developing market linkages and commercialization
Renewable Energy Technology and Innovation development, transfer and deployment, development of market linkages strengthened in Uganda.
Increased adoption and deployment of renewable energy technologies among communities of practice, private sector, and across all consumer entities. Increased Market development and commercialization of contemporary technologies.